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Real Relief From Nerve Pain

Pain comes in many shapes and sizes. One of the most debilitating being the burning and tingling that comes with peripheral neuropathy. A disease that comes with years of shooting, stabbing pain that gradually ends in numbness, balance problems and on occasion, amputations. A disease that was once classified as irreparable.

“It’s oftentimes deemed a hopeless condition,” says Dr. Brogdon, “many of the doctors will say, ‘Hey, we can help you by giving you medication for the pain, but as for the numbness and the degeneration of the nerves, there is nothing you can do for it.'”

Peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves, commonly caused by a lack of blood flow in the hands and feet. This causes the nerves to begin to degenerate due to lack of nutrient flow. Most peripheral neuropathy sufferers experience a heightened sensitivity to touch making it almost impossible for those diagnosed to even wear shoes, much less enjoy life.

Although there are multiple forms of neuropathy, the top three forms that we see most in the clinic are diabetic neuropathy, chemo-induced neuropathy, as well as something called idiopathic neuropathy. Our patient, Hoyt was diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy and shared his experience with New Mexico Living.

“For a little over two years, almost three years, I have developed the pain in my feet that started at a very low level and started in my right foot. So I thought maybe it was circulation from the trip. No. A week and a half later, this foot started, so it’s in both feet now... I saw a few doctors. I’ve got type two diabetes, and I’d bring that up, and ‘there’s nothing we can do for you.’ And they still say that there’s nothing that they can do, or they won’t even discuss it with you,” says Hoyt.

Then Hoyt found us! “I was tickled to find someone who said, ‘I think I can help you,'” said Hoyt. “We had done a follow-up test, and that’s something she does, and she fills out reports and goes in rather extensive. And I had improved almost 80% from the time I first came in and took the same test.”

At AAIM, durring the consultation, Dr. Brogdon creates a personalized treatment program for each of our patients. Dr. Brogdon starts with a foundation that’s two decades in the making but we consider a number of factors including the severity of their neuropathy, how long they’ve had it, what underlying issues or causes we’re up against and make adjustments based on our findings.

To schedule a consultation and complete evaluation, fill out our New Patient Offer and one of our Care Coordinators will be in touch to get you on the schedule.

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